Grbl Settings

Connecting to grbl

Since the grbl board is placed behind a Rpi running the serial proxy.
First we need to browse to the following link in our browser

Currently firmware and settings are stored within


Reading Settings

To read the grbl settings we need to send $$ to grbl over the serial port

To do this via the serial proxy we can type in the following into the web client

send /dev/ttyACM0 $$

Reading Firmware version

To read the current firmware version

send /dev/ttyACM0 $I

As of writing the current firmware version is: 1.1f

Soft End Stops

For the most part we don’t really need software stops apart from one place which is when the spindle travels downwards.
I’ve enabled them, and added 1mm onto each setting which seems to get them to work right

From the home position the max

This equals

$130=563.000 - XMax travel
$131=746.000 - YMax travel
$132=68.000 - ZMax travel