Installing FlatCam
FlatCAM is useful for turning Gerber or Drill files from PCB software into G-Code for a CNC (or svg for a laser cutter)
The existing self installing version of flatcam is quite old (around 2016).
so below I’ve tried to details the minimum set of steps needed to get it working from source.
Installing Python
First we need to make sure python 2.7 is installed on the system.
For windows I’d recommend the 64bit version of python 2.7 from
Installing PyQt4
One of the things FlatCam uses is QT4 for python. This is fairly easy to install under windows
First go to this address
If your looking for the python 2.7 / 64bit windows file then this will likley be something like PyQt4-4.11.4-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl
To install it into python 2.7
C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install PyQt4-4.11.4-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl
Installing pypiwin32
One thing we also need is pypiwin32 under windows, to install this run the following from the command line
C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install pypiwin32
I found on my system I had to force it to re-install for some reason, so if you run into problems running flatcam you may want to try
C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install --upgrade --force-reinstall pypiwin32
Download sources of Flatcam
Next we need to download the source code of flatcam.
One way is to just download the below zip file and extract it into a directory somewhere
Another way if you can use git is to run the following at a command line
git clone
Running Flatcam
Next to try running flatcam
cd flatcam
C:\Python27\python flatcam