MMMM Minutes (MMMMM 11)

Date: 02 July 2018

Location: Hacman, Wellington House

Minutes taken by Bunny Girl


Standing Items

Member Submitted Items



19:20 Minute to fuss the dog. Dog is fussed over.

Approval of previous minutes


Reports from teams

Member Submitted Items

Electricity Costs

Landlady is installing meters. The building owners are charing her and she would like to get the costst back so she will be charging us for the electircity as of now!

End of lease

Stay or go in the questions.

Members questions.

Wood lathe

Alex’s Server build questions.

Blade server wold like to build the server as experince would be essential. Only place to put it in toilet. £110 needed to spend on it. For noise I will need to put I in an appropriate enclosure. This would allow members to have access to node for computational power on a rental basis. Blog needed to be set up. Informantion needed on request from Alex.

Kitchen build.

Extra hands to fit them, forum questions needed. Things need to be fitted, one afternoon needed for build.


2025, Meeting ends